An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to the Management of Patients in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness

18 May 2021 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Online

This one-day online course enables clinicians to develop further understanding of the interdisciplinary management for patients in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (PDOC) and the challenges commonly faced

We will be referring to RCP PDOC guidelines (2020) with case studies and videos to support this online study day.

The day will include

  • Interdisciplinary and specialist assessment
  • Common complications for patients in PDOC
  • Best interests decision making
  • Interacting with patients in PDOC
  • Postural management in this population
  • Supporting families

We welcome all clinicians involved in the care of this specialist population especially those in acute hospitals or specialist nursing homes wanting to improve their knowledge and management of these patients and their families.

Presenters will include

  • Rehabilitation Medicine Consultant
  • Clinical Specialist Nursing
  • Clinical Specialist Allied Health Professionals

There will be an opportunity to understand more about the referral process and pathway here at the RHN.

Cost £55

Please note that registration closes at 5pm on Thursday 13 May 2021.

Registration form


For more information please call 020 8780 4500 ext 5140 or email [email protected]