Ford RideLondon-Essex 100 & 60

25 May 2025 8:00 am London

Join Team RHN!

The 2025 RideLondon-Essex 100 is a unique opportunity to ride 100 miles on traffic-free roads through the heart of London and neighbouring Essex. It will start and finish in the centre of the capital, with 100 miles of rolling roads through some of Essex’s most beautiful countryside and villages in between.

100 miles too much of a challenge? Try 60 miles instead!

Registration fee 100 miles £30
60 miles £20
Fundraising target 100 miles £400
60 miles £300

From the time you sign-up with us we will be on hand to offer ongoing support with your fundraising!

As part of #TeamRHN you will receive:

  • RHN cycling jersey
  • Fundraising pack and tips
  • Expert advice and tips for fundraising

Sign up today and support people with life changing brain injury and neurological conditions.

Do you already have your own place? You can still cycle for the RHN with all of the benefits of the above – get in touch today!

For further information contact our events team, call 020 8780 4500 and ask to speak to the Events Team or email [email protected].