Managing Complex Tone: Spasticity and Casting
17 and 18 September 2019
This two-day course offers practical training for physiotherapists and occupational therapists working in neurology.
There will be presentation of the evidence relating to the use of botulinum toxin and casting within focal spasticity, interactive clinical reasoning sessions to develop assessment and decision-making skills, and several practical workshops where you will learn how to fabricate upper and lower limb soft and Scotch casts.
The course is taught by the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability Tone and Splint Clinic Teams, including specialist medical and therapy speakers.
Key learning objectives include:
- Being able to fabricate upper and lower limb Scotch and soft casts
- Developing shared OT/PT reasoning and practical skills to integrate casting into interdisciplinary practice
- Understanding the role of and indicators for the use of botulinum toxin
- Improved knowledge in the assessment and measurement of spasticity including goal setting and outcome measures.
- Understanding the evidence base behind the use of botulinum toxin and casting
- Exploring everyday practice issues through the use of case studies
- Up to date knowledge of the evidence and guidelines that govern spasticity and splinting practice
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