Nutritional Challenges in the Brain Injured Patients’ Journey

11 Jun 2019 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, West Hill, Putney, London SW15 3SW

This course is for dietitians who are new to, or would like to work in the area of, neuro-rehabilitation or the longer-term management of patients with a neuro-disability. There will be a variety of internal and external speakers who work in this specialist field, including Emma Carder, Dietitian, The Walton Centre, Liverpool. Wendy Lanham, Nutrition Specialist Nurse working with People with Learning Disabilities, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and Dr Andrew Hanrahan, Consultant in Neurorehabilitation, Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability.

Following an acquired brain injury, an individual’s journey from the acute setting through neurorehabilitation and beyond is often filled with a number of nutritional challenges. This day will explore these challenges and offer practical ideas that can be implemented when working with this complex patient group.

At the RHN the majority of our patients receive some or all of their nutrition and hydration via an enteral feeding tube. We will explore the trends and changes in nutritional requirements across the patient journey. Encompassing extremely high requirements post injury to the low energy requirements of a stable long term enterally fed patient.

The day will be both practical and theoretical and attendees will have a chance to learn about the different types of feeding tubes available, and visit our informative stands.

Cost: £120

Download further details and registration form

For more information, please call 020 8780 4500 ext 5140 or email [email protected].