IV sedation theory course for the dental team with a focus of treating special care patients under midazolam or remimazolam (IACSD Accredited)

1 Jul 2025 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Tuesday 1 July 2025

This one-day IV sedation theory course is accredited by the IACSD, Royal College of Surgeons and is suitable for dentists, dental nurses and new starters.

The day will have specific emphases on IV sedation with midazolam or remimazolam for adults with additional needs, including learning disabilities, older adults and people with complex medical histories.

The day is being led by experienced consultants and nurses in special care dentistry.

After this training delegates will need to find mentors if they are a new starter to sedation.
This day will also be useful CPD for dental team who need a refresher course in sedation or want to learn more about sedating patients with additional needs.

The day includes:

  • Patient assessment
  • Pharmacology and physiology
  • Practical IV sedation
  • Oral/Tranmuscoal sedation
  • Managing sedation related complications
  • Starting to use remimazolam in special care dentistry

The course objectives are:

  • To understand the place for conscious sedation as part of pain and anxiety control
  • To demonstrate the importance of complying with standards relating to the provision of conscious sedation
  • To recognise the indications and contraindications for sedation
  • Understand the importance of delivering safe sedation in terms of training, patients assessment, equipment and facilities
  • To be able to manage sedation related complication
  • To learn more about sedating patients with additional needs

Course Facilitator

Mili Doshi
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability

Cost: £180

Register here

For more information please call 020 8780 4500 ext 5140 or email [email protected]