The Management of Complex Tracheostomy in Long-Term Brain Injury

31 Jan 2019 8:45 am - 4:30 pm Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, West Hill, Putney, London SW15 3SW

This is an interdisciplinary study day open to doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists who work with people with brain injury and tracheostomies.

It will cover topics such as long-term complications, chest optimisation, complex weaning, outcomes and ethical decision making in patients with long-term tracheostomy.

Speakers include:

  • Deborah Dawson, Consultant Nurse Critical Care, St George’s Hospital – discussing Tracheostomy Tubes and accessories.
  • Claire Mills, SLT Critical Care Lead, Leeds General Infirmary and NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow – discussing above cuff voicing.
  • Specialist ENT Consultant (TBC) – discussing complications and surgical intervention – an ENT Perspective.

Other speakers from physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and the specialist nursing team at the RHN will also present. Information will be presented relating to best practice in the field, and case studies from the experienced specialist team at RHN.

Download full details and registration form

For more information, please call 020 8780 4500 ext 5140 or email [email protected].