Our ethos

Our mission is to meet the needs of people with complex disabilities which have arisen from a profound brain injury.

Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability entrance

The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability is the oldest independent hospital and medical charity in the UK.

Our mission

Founded in 1854, we are a well-respected charitable hospital and research centre, providing services for adults with acquired brain injury. Our Putney-based community provides specialist care, therapies and innovative technology to meet the complex needs of people with profound disabilities. We pride ourselves on caring for our patients as individuals, offering hope and practical and emotional support to them and their families.

How we do what we do – our culture and values

How we work and behave – with each other, patients, relatives and others – is a vital ingredient which makes the RHN stand out as a provider of services to people affected by brain injury.

Our values come from within the organisation and reflect our desire to meet the complex needs of people with profound disabilities arising from acquired brain injury. Those values are:

  • Seeing the whole person
  • Willingness to learn
  • Delivery on promises
  • Honesty and Integrity

How we do what we do is underpinned by the concept of individualised care – ensuring that everything we do is truly personalised in all areas, running through all that we do.